This project took me an extremely long time. I just really wanted to make this monster look like something that I would have wanted to receive when I was younger. I used low fire white clay and used a combination of redwood, pomegranate, and turquoise for colors. I also used white for the teeth, and a yellow for the face. This project honestly stressed me out a lot at times, and I think the thing I had the most trouble with was the tongue. No matter how hard I tried, or kept it wet, It just did not want to stick on! As I was using under glaze for it, I believed it was stable, however, I brushed lightly over it and it broke in half haha. The tongue ended up looking a bit goopy as I couldn't smooth it out very well, but to be honest I sort of like how it looks, it almost looks like it is salivating and it's spit is pooling up in its mouth! In the end I liked how it turned out overall.